Imagine the life-altering scare of losing your vision; it must be terrifying. This all happened to the dog, Luca.
A six-year-old bloodhound dog named Luca lost his vision due to skin folds. His life became difficult as he struggled to move around.
Fortually, Luca is seeing the world anew after a life-changing facelift.

Luca had lost his vision after a facelift due to excessive drooping skin, but thanks to a special surgery, he can now enjoy his surroundings again. Luca can now enjoy his surroundings and move more confidently.
A dog struggled with his vision because of drooping skin.
Luca’s journey began when his owner, Sheilah Needham, noticed him bumping into furniture. Bloodhounds often have loose, wrinkled skin, but Luca’s skin folds had become severe, covering his eyes and limiting his sight.

“The skin on his head lost elasticity,” Needham explained, “and his heavy ears pulled it down, affecting his vision.”
Luca’s owner sought a solution for his vision
As Luca’s vision worsened, Needham knew she had to take action. The dog struggled to navigate his environment, and Needham feared his quality of life would continue to decline without intervention.
“Luca needed something to help him see again,” she shared.

Eventually, Needham took Luca to the Veterinary Vision animal hospital in Sunderland, England, where specialists recommended a facelift surgery.
Luca underwent a five-hour facelift procedure to regain his vision.
At the Veterinary Vision animal hospital in Sunderland, England, Veterinary surgeon led the five-hour procedure to address Luca’s skin and improve his sight.

The operation involved removing excess skin from Luca’s face and repositioning it to reduce future drooping.
“It was a big decision for Luca’s age,”Moss said.“But surgery was the best option to improve his vision.”
Luca has a new lease on life and improved quality of life.
Post-surgery, Luca’s transformation has been remarkable. Not only has his vision improved, but he has also become more energetic and engaged with his surroundings.

“Luca’s quality of life has changed so much,” Needham remarked. “He’s quicker when he runs, and his head is up.”
She noted that Luca is now able to find his toys more easily, showing that his vision and mobility have significantly improved.
She mentioned that when Luca runs now, he moves much faster, with his head held high instead of following the ground with his nose. Additionally, he is able to find his toys much more easily while playing in the house.
Luca’s story is a heartwarming reminder of the positive impact of veterinary care on pet health.
His successful surgery has given him a renewed sense of independence and joy, allowing him to fully enjoy his life once more.