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Missing dog finds her way home and rings doorbell at 3AM

On social media, a viral video captured a heartbroken moment showing a missing dog finding her way home and ringing the doorbell at 3 AM.

On the Reddit platform, a missing dog finds her way home by ringing her owner’s doorbell at 3 AM, leaving the owner stunned and in causing an emotional outburst without tears.

It’s always heartbreaking when a beloved pet goes missing.

A missing dog named Rajah surprised her owners by ringing their doorbell at 3 am. Image Credits: @boopbeepboopbop999/Reddit

However, there are moments when they return in the most unexpected ways.

This is exactly what happened when Rajah, a frightened dog, found her way back home. She surprised her owners in a way they never could have anticipated.

A dog named Rajah disappeared in the night.

Mary Lynn, a resident of Greenville, South Carolina, experienced every dog owner’s worst fear when her dog, Rajah, went missing.

Like many dogs, Rajah is terrified of fireworks. One evening, when fireworks began going off nearby, Rajah panicked and bolted from the backyard.

Rajah ran away after being scared by fireworks, leading her owners to search the neighborhood. Image Credits: @boopbeepboopbop999/Reddit

“She was in the backyard with our other dog when our neighbor started shooting off fireworks, and I knew she’d be scared,” Mary recalled. “I went to the backyard – and she was gone.”

A desperate search

Mary and her husband, Ryan, immediately began searching for their missing dog.

They spent the entire night combing through the neighborhood, contacting local shelters, and posting alerts on social media.

Despite their efforts, there was no sign of Rajah, and the hours dragged on without any news.

Rajah surprises at the door, ringing the doorbell at 3 AM

Just when they were losing hope, something extraordinary happened. At 3 am, the doorbell rang.

After 7 hours, Rajah found her way home and managed to use the doorbell to alert her owners. Image Credits: @boopbeepboopbop999/Reddit

To their shock, it was Rajah! The clever dog had been on her own for over seven hours but somehow managed to find her way home.

Even more astonishingly, she had figured out how to ring the doorbell.

“I don’t even know how she knew how to do that; I’ve never shown her how,” Mary said, amazed by her dog’s actions. “She doesn’t go out in the front yard, except to the car, so she’s never seen us use the doorbell.”

On the the Reddit platform, a user who goes by @boopbeepboopbop999 shared a video showing Rajah returning home by ringing her owners’ doorbell at 3 AM.

Rajah returned covered in thorns and what seemed like poop, indicating an adventurous night. Image Credits: @boopbeepboopbop999/Reddit

The video has the caption: “Our dog who ran off on an adventure for 7.5 hours ringing our doorbell at 3 am to let us know she’s home”.

In the footage, Rajah was seen returning like a troublemaker. She rang the doorbell at 3 AM to reunite with her owner.

Fortunately, Ryan was still awake and was able to open the door to let Rajah in.

Though the adventure was over, it seemed Rajah had quite a time on her little escapade.

“She had thorns on her and seemed to have rolled in poop,” Mary told SWNS. “So, it seems like she had a great time.” Despite her messy state, her owners were just relieved and happy to have her back home.

Mary, Rajah’s owner, was amazed as she had never taught Rajah to use the doorbell. Image Credits: @boopbeepboopbop999/Reddit

The Rajah’s story quickly went viral and sparked debate on social media.

The incredible story didn’t end there. The couple’s Ring camera had captured the entire moment Rajah rang the doorbell.

They decided to share the footage on Reddit, where it quickly went viral.

People around the world were touched by Rajah’s cleverness and the heartwarming reunion.

One person said: That last look right into the camera.

A second wrote: Dogs can be the most inconsiderate roommates.

While a third commented: That dog should really have a curfew.

Another added: The way she looks into the camera, like she knows you’re going to get up and let her in … I love her

The video of Rajah ringing the doorbell went viral after being shared on Reddit. Image Credits: @boopbeepboopbop999/Reddit

Rajah’s story is a reminder of the bond between pets and their owners and how animals can surprise us with their intelligence.

While losing a pet is always a distressing experience, Rajah’s adventure shows that hope is never lost. Sometimes our furry friends come back in the most surprising ways.”


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