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HomeStoriesMonkey punches girl in face over food teasing at zoo

Monkey punches girl in face over food teasing at zoo

A viral video captured the shocking moment when a monkey punched a girl in the face at a zoo for taunting it with food, leaving viewers stunned.

A shocking incident at a zoo in China has raised concerns about human interactions with animals.

A monkey in China punched a girl after she taunted it with food. Image Credit: Asiawire

A viral video captures the moment a monkey punched a young girl in the face after she teased it with food. This incident showed the dangers of provoking animal behavior around wildlife

A young girl faced to the monkey’s fury

In the shocking footage filmed at a zoo in China, the monkey suddenly and without warning lashes out at the child.

In the footage, a young girl visited a Chinese zoo with an adult companion.

They crouched close to the monkey’s enclosure, offering it snacks. At one point, they pulled the food away, limiting the monkey’s access.

The girl and an adult were giving snacks to the monkey when it became violent. Image Credit: Asiawire

This act of teasing led to an unexpected and violent reaction from the monkey.

Monkey punches curious young girl after being taunted.

Footage from the incident suggests the child dangled food in front of the monkey before pulling it away.

In response, the monkey threw a punch, hitting the girl squarely in the face.

The monkey reacted angrily when the girl dangled and then pulled away the food. Image Credit: Asiawire

The impact caused her to fall backward onto the stone ground. The adult and the person filming the event were taken aback by the sudden aggression.

The video shared on social media and sparked concerned among viewers.

The footage was reported to be from a location in China; however, the type of monkey featured remains unknown.

The video was then shared on internet platforms, sparking a debate about the potential dangers of wild animals.

The girl fell back in surprise, while the monkey returned to its seat calmly. Image Credit: Asiawire

Many people claimed that, although it may seem harmless to tease animals, their reactions can be unpredictable and dangerous

One person said: She’s lucky she only got punched in the face and not bitten because it could’ve been a lot worse. Always teach your children to respect animals….

A second wrote: They are wild animals and people would not be allowed so near. the monkey is not at fault only peoples stupidity.

While a third commented: This is what happens when you allow your child to tease an animal.

Another added: Animals will not say ‘Oh it’s only a baby’ they will strike out if teased, especially over food.

Why do monkeys react violently?

Food is a common trigger for conflicts between humans and monkeys.

Food often triggers aggression in monkeys, as noted in a 2007 article. Image Credit: Asiawire

A study cited by in 2007 explains that monkeys often become aggressive when they feel their access to food is threatened.

The incident with the girl in China is a stark reminder of this behavior.
To avoid conflicts with monkeys, it’s essential to understand their behavior:

  • Offer food: If you’re holding a snack, throw it in their direction to appease them.
  • Show empty hands: If you don’t have food, show your empty palms to indicate you have nothing to offer.
  • Avoid eye contact: Do not make eye contact or smile with your teeth showing, as these can be perceived as signs of aggression.

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