Paddle boarder encounters hammerhead shark in the middle of the ocean

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On social media, many viewers were stunned after a viral video captured a moment showing a shark circling paddle boarders in the middle of the ocean.

The terrifying footage captured a shark following the paddle boarders, leaving viewers in shock.

A shark follows paddle boarders

Footage went viral showing a shark circling paddle boarder Malea Tribble in the ocean. Image Credits: @crossingforcf/Instagram

On Instagram, a user named @crossingforcf shared a video showing a shark circling paddle boarders in the middle of the ocean.

In the footage, a woman found herself facing an unexpected and terrifying sight while paddle boarding in the open ocean.

Malea Tribble was out on the water between the Bahamas and Lake Worth, Florida, in June of last year. As she paddled along, she looked down to see a shark fin rising from the depths below.

Malea spotted a shark fin while paddling in waters between the Bahamas and Florida. Image Credits: @crossingforcf/Instagram

Malea keeps her cool despite a shark following her paddle board

The footage, which later went viral, shows her husband, Ricky, guiding her back toward safety.

As she made her way toward the boat, the shark circled her board, but Malea remained composed.

Despite the danger, Malea managed to stay remarkably calm.

Another paddle boarder in danger after the shared shift in focus

Despite the shark’s presence, Malea remained calm as her husband guided her back to safety. Image Credits: @crossingforcf/Instagram

While Malea safely made it back to the boat, another paddleboarder named Gabe remained out at sea. The shark then turned its attention to him, circling his board. Onlookers shouted desperately for Gabe to stay still as they tried to identify the type of shark, which was suspected to be a hammerhead.

Another paddle boarder, Gabe, was also followed by the shark but managed to escape unharmed. Image Credits: @crossingforcf/Instagram

Thankfully, the shark lost interest in Gabe, allowing him to paddle back to safety. Malea later spoke about the terrifying ordeal, sharing her thoughts with Fox 35.

Malea shared her express after ecounting to shark in the middle of the sea

Malea described the moment she first felt the shark’s presence. “I initially felt a few taps on my board but dismissed it as seaweed on my fin,” she said. However, when her husband spotted the shark fin, Malea immediately knew something was wrong. “I didn’t know how big or close it was at first,” she added. “It was bigger and much closer than I initially thought.”

The shark, suspected to be a hammerhead, lost interest and swam away, and no one was harmed. Image Credits: @crossingforcf/Instagram

As Malea continued to paddle, she noticed the shark’s swift and sleek movements. “At one point, it was completely under my board,” she recalled. “The shark seemed curious, as if wondering what I was doing in its territory.”

Travis Suit, the founder of The Crossing For CF event, filmed the encounter. He praised Malea and Ricky for their calm response. “We are proud of their disciplined approach during such a tense moment,” Suit said. “They showed how to handle close encounters like this, providing a great example for others.”

The video quickly went viral and left many horrified.

On social media, many viewers expressed their shock about malea and ricky’s encounter with the shark. Others suggested that we should stay calm when encountering a shark to avoid attracting its attention.

Malea initially thought she felt taps from seaweed before realizing it was a shark. Image Credits: @crossingforcf/Instagram

However, some also pointed out that it would be difficult to keep cool in such a dangerous situation

One person said: YIKES!! Good job being calm!

A second wrote: Wow, good luck on ya’lls journey. Safe travels

While a third commented: That shark 100% thought she was some type of weird seal on that board and wanted a bite.

Another added: I’d be absolutely terrified!

Previously, there have been many encounters with hammerhead sharks; thankfully, none of these encounters have resulted in fatalities.

Additionally, experts also advise staying calm and avoiding sudden movements to prevent attracting the shark’s attention. if the shark gets too close, try to keep yourself upright and make yourself appear larger by spreading your arm.

By staying calm, swimmers can greatly reduce the risk of an encounter with a hammerhead shark turning dangerous.


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