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HomeStoriesNewsPet owner discovers her 'puppy' is actually a fox

Pet owner discovers her ‘puppy’ is actually a fox

After more than a year, the woman was surprised to discover that the dog she had been raising was actually a white fox

In a surprising revelation, a Chinese woman found her self in unexpected moment after spotting that the dog she raising was actually a fox.

A Chinese woman was shocked to discover her ‘puppy’ is actually a fox. Image Credits: ShanxiTV

The revelation came after a series of unusual behaviors and physical changes in her pet.

A Chinese woman, Ms. Wang, was taken aback when she learned that the adorable ‘puppy’ she had been raising for a year was, in fact, a fox.

A woman notices unusual changes in her pet

The pet stopped eating dog food and grew a long, fluffy tail at three months old. Image Credits: ShanxiTV

Shanxi Network Television reported that Ms. Wang, from Jinzhong in Shanxi Province, had purchased what she believed to be a Japanese Spitz.

Talking to Shanxi Network Televisio, Ms. Wang cared for her new pet, feeding it a diet of fruit, chicken breasts, and dog food.

However, by the time the pet reached three months old, it stopped eating dog food, which struck her as odd.

Furthermore, Ms. Wang noticed that her pet never barked, a characteristic behavior of dogs.

A local zoo staff confirmed that the animal was a domesticated fox. Image Credits: ShanxiTV

As time passed, the animal’s fur grew thicker, its face became pointier, and its tail lengthened significantly.

A woman stunned after spotting her pet, which is actually a fox

While Ms. Wang was walking her pet, many park-goers confirmed to her that the dog was actually a fox.

Concerned and curious, Ms. Wang decided to seek expert advice. She took her pet to Taiyuan Zoo, where Sun Letian, an expert in animal epidemic prevention, confirmed that the animal was indeed a domesticated fox.

Ms. Wang had noticed unusual features like a lack of barking and a pointy face. Image Credits: ShanxiTV

‘Based on the size, it is a domesticated fox. It carries a smell in their body and the smell can get stronger as it grows older,’ explained Mr Sun.

He added that foxes carry a distinct smell, which becomes more pronounced as they grow older. The white-coated fox measured about 30 centimeters (12 inches) in length and was expected to grow even larger.

Ms. Wang found a new house for her pet, which was actually a fox.

After realizing that the dog she was raising was actually a fox, Ms. Wang decided to move it to the new house.

She believed that her pet needed a more suitable environment and proper nutrition, so Ms. Wang decided to send the fox to the zoo.

The fox is being quarantined at the zoo for health checks and will be moved to an enclosure. Image Credits: ShanxiTV

The zoo staff placed the fox in a quarantine zone for a month to conduct health checks. Afterward, the fox would be moved to the fox enclosure.

urrently, the white fox is being kept in a quarantine area for about a month while the zoo staff conduct health checks. Wang can still visit her pet whenever she feels like it.

“If you miss it, come by and have a visit,” Mr. Sun assured Ms. Wang, offering her the opportunity to see her former pet in its new home.

This touching yet surprising story shows the importance of understanding and accurately identifying pets.

Fortunately for Wang, her ‘dog’ had been tamed. Her experience serves as a reminder to pet owners to seek professional advice if they have any doubts about their pet’s behavior and characteristics.


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