
Chinese zoo criticized for painting dogs as pandas

On Youtube video, visitors were stunned after spotting dogs painted as pandas in the Chinese zoo. The Chinese zoo admitted to presenting painted dogs as pandas, leaving many viewers excited at first, but then frustrated. A viral video shared on YouTube left many visitors shocked after witnessing dogs painted as

Monkey kidnaps dog in dramatic rooftop escape captured on video

A viral video captured the shocking moment when a monkey kidnapped a dog and leapt from rooftops, leaving viewers stunned. The monkey troop has attracted many visitors. However, not all monkeys are friendly; several incidents have shown that monkeys not only attack tourists but also pose a threat to pets.

Hero Pets: Stories of animals who saved lives

Animals often transcend their roles as pets, becoming true heroes willing to sacrifice themselves to rescue humans from perilous situations. Animals are human friends more than pets and sometimes even be real hero, willing to sacrifice himself to save people from dangerous situations. Here are the Top 3 stories of

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