Terrified cat in Starbucks drive-Thru finds a new lease on life

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On social media, a viral video showed the rescue of Zoey the cat, who was found burying her face in the drive-thru curb.

On TikTok, a viral video captured the heartwarming rescue. It showed how Zoey was saved from a Starbucks drive-thru and brought to a loving home by an employee.

A sick and weak cat was found lying in the drive-thru of a California Starbucks. Image Credits: @davidloop65/Titktok

Last year, a routine day at a California Starbucks took an unexpected turn when employees spotted a cat lying in the drive-thru. 

Upon closer inspection, they realized the cat was in desperate need of help. 

Acting quickly, they contacted a local animal rescuer, who then reached out to David Loop, president of Sierra Pacific Furbabies.

A kitten was rescued in terrified and distressed.

Employees called an animal rescuer, David Loop, who discovered the cat was not a stray but had a microchip. Image Credits: @davidloop65/Titktok

On  Tiktok, user who goes by @davidloop65 shared a video captured the moment a cat was rescued aftet burying her face in the drive-thru curb.

The video has the caption: “Zoey the Starbucks kitty.. from the brink of death to an honest to goodness love story…”

In the footage, Loop arrived at the scene, he found the cat in a dire state—extremely sick, weak, and terrified, with her face buried against the curb. 

Despite being registered with a shelter, no one knew who had adopted the cat. Image Credits: @davidloop65/Titktok

As he carefully transferred her to a carrier, he noticed she was wearing a collar, indicating that she wasn’t a stray. 

After scanning for a microchip, Loop discovered that it was registered with a local shelter. However, they had no record of who had adopted her.

Despite his efforts to track down the cat’s owner through Nextdoor and by asking around, no one could provide any information.

“She was definitely someone’s cat at one point in her life, you know?” Loop shared with The Dodo, reflecting on the sad reality of her abandonment.

Zoey has a new beginning after being rescued.

Determined not to leave her alone again, Loop named the cat Zoey and immediately took her to the vet for intensive care. 

The vets diagnosed her with an autoimmune disease that caused her immune system to attack her red blood cells. 

Loop named the cat Zoey and took her to the vet for urgent care.  Image Credits: @davidloop65/Titktok

Zoey required three blood transfusions and ongoing immunosuppressant medication to survive. 

Despite the challenges, Loop was fully committed to giving Zoey every chance at recovery. 

“At that point, I was invested in her,” he said. “I just wanted to give her every chance possible at surviving.”

When Loop first rescued Zoey, she was so terrified that she exhibited feisty behavior.

Zoey’s transformation left the vets initially suspecting she might be rabid.

However, as her health improved and she realized she was safe, Zoey’s demeanor transformed completely. 

After receiving three blood transfusions and medication, Zoey’s behavior changed from feisty to affectionate. Image Credits: @davidloop65/Titktok

Additionally, she became an affectionate and sweet cat, often cuddling up in Loop’s arms.

“After Zoey’s remarkable recovery, the Starbucks employees who had initially found her reached out to Loop. They expressed their relief and happiness that she was doing so much better.

Many viewers also expressed their appreciation for Zoey’s heartwarming transformation.

Zoey’s transformation left many people amazed, while others were also happy to hear about Zoey’s new and improved life.

Loop decided to adopt Zoey, making her a permanent part of his family after her recovery. Image Credits: @davidloop65/Titktok

One person said: the way she was so scared but didn’t have the strength to run, so she just buried her face.

A second wrote: That cat had a collor which meant she was loved once. Makes me so so sad and angry at the same time.

While a third commente: the way she looks at you. 

Another added: She looks like such a sweet heart, thank you for saving all the cats you do!

Zoey’s story is a touching example of how a chance encounter can lead to a lifelong bond.

Touched by her journey and their bond, Loop decided he couldn’t part with Zoey and welcomed her into his family. 


Zoey the Starbucks kitty.. from the brink of death to an honest to goodness love story… @Loop @stefanie.lynn00 @Maddie <3 @Wesley @Shailee Ketcham #fyp #davidloop65 #cat #catdaddy #cattok #catsoftiktok #kitten #kittensoftiktok

♬ Rescue Story – Zach Williams

It’s not often that a rescuer becomes a forever companion. However, in Zoey’s case, it was the perfect happy ending for everyone involved.


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