Viewers baffled after cats fight behind reporter during live TV interview

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On social media, many viewers were stunned after a viral video captured a funny moment showing a reporter remaining professional while her cats fought behind her during a live TV interview.

The hilarious moment of the cats fighting behind the reporter during the live TV interview quickly became a viral meme.

A reporter struggles to maintain composure during a live TV interview

Doris Bigornia, a Filipino journalist, faced a challenge during a live TV interview with her cats fighting behind her. Image Credits: @dorisbigornia/X

Pets always have a way of making us laugh with their unpredictable antics.

Cats, in particular, are mischievous, cute, and sometimes completely unaware of what’s considered “appropriate.”

Their playful behavior is often amusing, but it can be challenging to manage, as Doris Bigornia experienced during her TV interview.

Despite the distraction, Bigornia kept her composure and continued the interview. Image Credits: @dorisbigornia/X

During a live TV interview, Doris Bigornia had to remain calm and professional while her two cats engaged in a heated fight right behind her.

As a journalist working from home, Bigornia often faced the chaos of trying to work in a pet-friendly environment.

This makes finding a quiet workspace difficult

In the viral video, Bigornia tries to stay focused as her cats wrestle behind her.

Despite the distraction, she continues the interview, occasionally glancing back at the ruckus.

She couldn’t help but glance at the cats during their fight but remained professional. Image Credits: @dorisbigornia/X

Bigornia handled the situation like a pro. Despite the distractions, Bigornia handled the situation like a true professional. She completed the interview while the literal catfight unfolded behind her.

Rather than becoming upset, Bigornia found humor in the situation, sharing laughs about the incident.

The hilarious moment quickly went viral

The moment when Doris Bigornia struggled to stay calm as the cats clawed at each other furiously was quickly shared on social media, causing laughter among many.

While many praised Bigornia for staying calm, others said they would have gone crazy after seeing the cats tussling during the TV interview.

Bigornia embraced the humor of the situation and laughed off the cats’ antics. Image Credits: @dorisbigornia/X

One person said: “we’ll help make you famous mom”

A second wrote: That could’ve been a cat-tastrophe!!! She handled it well and stayed paw-sitive.

While a third commented: What happens at CatFight Club evidently doesn’t stay there…

Another added: Cats just don’t care!! She was pretty cool though

Another fun cat moment: Mochi watches TV like a human

In another amusing pet story, Sara Hesri from Orange County, California, shares the funny behavior of her rescue cat, Mochi.

Mochi, a ragdoll cat, watches TV in the most human way possible—but there’s just one program that truly captures her attention.

Mochi’s unique TV watching habits

Mochi, a rescue cat, has a quirky habit of watching TV in a human-like position. Image Credits: TikTok/@Sarahesri

Sara Hesri adopted Mochi from a local cat show. Mochi joined Hesri’s family to keep her 3-year-old lynx point Siamese cat, Miso, company.

Mochi is known for being a “floppy” cat who loves to stretch out on her back. Though she enjoys her naps, she also has bursts of energy, engaging in playful zoomies and parkour antics around the house.

Mochi enjoys watching ‘videos for cats’ on YouTube

Mochi enjoys watching “videos for cats” on YouTube and loves cuddling with her owner during TV time. Image Credits: TikTok/@Sarahesri

Mochi has a particular fondness for watching TV, specifically “videos for cats” on YouTube. When Hesri plays these videos, Mochi sits intently in front of the screen, trying to catch the toys that appear.

This moment, when Mochi enjoys watching her own shows, was shared on social media and quickly won the hearts of viewers.

While a cat watching TV like a human left viewers shocked, this behavior may seem quirky, but it has a basis in science.

A 2008 study published in Applied Animal Behaviour Science explored how cats respond to visual stimuli like moving images. So, a cat watching TV like a human is not only entertaining but also taps into the animal’s natural interest.

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