Viewers stunned as koi carp with human-like face

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On social media, many viewers were stunned after a viral video showed a pet fish with a human-like face.

On the TikTok platform, a koi carp with a human-like face gained attention and sparked debate.

Bob, a four-year-old koi carp from Leeds, has become an internet sensation due to his strikingly human-like face.

Bob, a four-year-old koi carp from Leeds, gained fame for his human-like facial markings. Image Credits: @mal.p144/Tiktok

At first glance, Bob appears like any other koi fish. However, a closer look reveals something extraordinary. His face has evolved to resemble human features, such as eyes, a nose, and a mouth, making him a true standout in the world of koi carp.

A koi carp looked humand-like left viewer stunned

Bob’s owner, Malcolm Pawson, a 48-year-old landscape gardener, brought the koi carp home three years ago for £150. He never imagined his friendly fish would become so famous.

Bob’s markings evolved over time, creating eyes, a nose, and a mouth on his head. Image Credits: @mal.p144/Tiktok

On social media, Pawson shared a video on TikTok showing Bob’s unique appearance.

In the footage, Bob was seen with unusual markings, giving him a human-like face.

According to Malcolm Pawson, Bob is a kōhaku breed, known for its white and orange marking

Over time, these markings have morphed into something unexpected. Black patches on his head have created the illusion of human facial features.

Many viewers expressed their shock at Bob’s human-like face

Malcolm Pawson, Bob’s owner, never expected his fish to become a social media sensation. Image Credits: @mal.p144/Tiktok

On social media, Bob’s human-like face maked he becom viral fame and gained attention.

While many felt fear by pet fish look humand-life, another suggested that it simple unusual markings on Bod’s face.

One person said: Face kinda resemble a human, but also a cat.

A second wrote: Bob looks like a man from the Midwest.

While a third commented: That coi is pretty cool. I like the markings.

Another added: Evolution and natural selection.

Bob belongs to the kōhaku breed, known for changing markings influenced by sunlight and diet. Image Credits: @mal.p144/Tiktok

The evolution of Bob’s markings

Koi carp are known for their changing markings. Sunlight, diet, and water conditions can all affect their appearance. Bob’s markings have gradually formed black patches that look like eyes, a nose, and a mouth.

Bob became a local celebrity, with visitors and passersby stopping to admire his unique face. Image Credits: @mal.p144/Tiktok

Malcolm was initially unaware that Bob would stand out in such a way. But over time, Bob’s increasingly human-like face caught the attention of neighbors and passersby.

Bob has quickly become a neighborhood celebrity. Malcolm shared, “My friends and family love him. People walking by often stop to admire him.”

Even Malcolm’s daughter’s friends regularly visit to see and feed Bob. The fish’s unique appearance has made him the focal point of many conversations and an undeniable attraction.

Bob’s growing fame on social media

After a viral video, Bob with his human-like face took over the internet. Many rushed to admire Bob’s unique appearance.

Malcolm shared Bob’s charm on TikTok, where a viral video garnered over a million views. Image Credits: @mal.p144/Tiktok

Additionally, as Bob’s fame has grown, so has his size. Malcolm is now considering expanding the pond to accommodate his growing fish.

“I’m looking into making the pond bigger,” he said. “Bob has gotten so large!”

Bob’s love for food has also become a running joke in the household. Malcolm jokingly adds, “Bob is very greedy. My partner calls me a feeder!”

Bob the koi carp’s human-like face has made him a star both locally and online. His unexpected rise to fame shows how even the most ordinary pets can capture the world’s attention.

What do you think about Bob’s human-like face?


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