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Zoo Animals Evacuated During Line Fire Return Safely to Big Bear Alpine Zoo

Natural disasters can have devastating effects on both people and wildlife. In the case of the recent Line Fire, the Big Bear Alpine Zoo faced a difficult situation as the fire came dangerously close to its grounds.

In a swift and coordinated effort, nearly 50 animals had to be evacuated from the zoo to ensure their safety.

Fortunately, thanks to the quick thinking of zoo staff and the support of another facility, these animals were transported to safety and have now returned home.

The Urgent Evacuation of Big Bear Alpine Zoo

When the Line Fire began to spread in the Big Bear region, local authorities quickly realized the danger it posed to both residents and wildlife.

As the fire expanded rapidly, engulfing nearly 40,000 acres, evacuation orders were issued to protect the surrounding communities. The Big Bear Alpine Zoo, located in the heart of the mountain area, had to act fast to safeguard its animals.

big bear alpine zoo

Animal curators at the zoo made the decision to evacuate their animals, which included a diverse group of species ranging from foxes to owls and hawks. The situation was critical, and time was of the essence.

Partnering with The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens in Palm Desert, Big Bear Alpine Zoo staff ensured the safe and efficient transport of 45 animals to a temporary home, far from the fire’s reach.

The Living Desert Zoo Steps In to Help

Located in Palm Desert, The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens played a crucial role in the evacuation process. The zoo provided a safe haven for the evacuated animals, ensuring that each one received proper care and attention during their stay.

The Living Desert Zoo is known for its dedication to animal welfare and conservation, making it the perfect temporary home for the displaced animals.

The transportation of the animals took place on September 12, with staff from both zoos working together to carefully load the animals into crates for the journey to Palm Desert.

Throughout the process, animal curators prioritized the safety and well-being of the animals, ensuring they experienced minimal stress during the move. Once the animals arrived at The Living Desert, they were welcomed into a comfortable environment where they could continue their daily routines.

Exceptional Care at The Living Desert Zoo

While in Palm Desert, the animals from Big Bear Alpine Zoo received exceptional care. The Living Desert Zoo staff ensured that the animals did not miss a single meal and were provided with their usual activities to keep them stimulated and content.

Foxes, owls, hawks, and other creatures quickly adjusted to their temporary home, thanks to the zoo’s dedicated animal care team.

big bear alpine zoo

The animals’ stay at The Living Desert Zoo highlights the importance of collaboration between zoos during emergencies. Without the support and hospitality of The Living Desert Zoo, the evacuation process would have been far more challenging. The successful care and sheltering of the animals were a testament to the professionalism and commitment of the zoo staff.

The Line Fire: A Fast-Moving Threat

The Line Fire, which was believed to be intentionally set, quickly grew into a massive blaze, threatening wildlife and residents alike. Investigators are still working to determine the cause of the fire, but its rapid expansion triggered evacuation orders across the region. By mid-September, the fire had consumed nearly 40,000 acres, forcing thousands of people and animals to flee.

According to Cal Fire, the fire’s containment had surpassed 50% by Thursday, allowing evacuation orders to be lifted for most areas, including Big Bear Lake. As the fire’s threat diminished, attention turned to returning the evacuated animals safely to their home at the Big Bear Alpine Zoo.

Bringing the Animals Back to Big Bear Alpine Zoo

With the fire largely contained and evacuation orders lifted, the time came for the animals to return to their home at Big Bear Alpine Zoo. On Thursday afternoon, staff from both Big Bear Alpine Zoo and The Living Desert Zoo worked together once again to load the animals into their transport crates for the return journey to Big Bear Lake.

Big Bear Alpine Zoo

This time, the mood was lighter as the animals were heading back to familiar territory. The road trip marked the end of a stressful period for both the animals and the zoo staff.

Thanks to the collaboration between the two zoos, the evacuation had been a success, and the animals were able to return home safely.

Adjusting Back to Life at Big Bear Alpine Zoo

Upon arriving back at Big Bear Alpine Zoo, the animals quickly settled into their familiar surroundings. The zoo staff noted that the animals adjusted seamlessly to being back home, a testament to the care they had received during their stay at The Living Desert Zoo.

Whether it was the foxes, owls, hawks, or other species, each animal appeared calm and content as they reacclimated to their enclosures.

The quick and seamless return of the animals highlights the professionalism of the Big Bear Alpine Zoo staff, who remained focused on the well-being of their animals throughout the ordeal.

From the initial evacuation to their safe return, the zoo staff ensured that the animals’ health and safety were prioritized at every step.

The Importance of Zoos in Crisis Situations

The evacuation of the Big Bear Alpine Zoo animals underscores the critical role that zoos play in crisis situations. While zoos are often seen as places of entertainment and education, they are also safe havens for animals, providing care and protection during times of disaster.

In this case, the collaboration between Big Bear Alpine Zoo and The Living Desert Zoo was a perfect example of how zoos can work together to ensure the safety of their animals.

This situation also highlights the need for zoos to have emergency plans in place. Natural disasters like wildfires, earthquakes, and floods can strike at any time, and zoos must be prepared to act quickly to protect their animals. The success of the Big Bear Alpine Zoo evacuation is a reminder of the importance of preparedness in the face of unpredictable events.

Conclusion: A Safe Return for Big Bear’s Animals

The evacuation and return of nearly 50 animals from Big Bear Alpine Zoo is a story of resilience, cooperation, and dedication. Thanks to the quick actions of the zoo staff and the hospitality of The Living Desert Zoo, these animals were safely cared for during a time of crisis.

As the Line Fire is brought under control and life returns to normal, the animals are once again thriving in their natural habitats at Big Bear Alpine Zoo.


  1. How many animals were evacuated from Big Bear Alpine Zoo?
    • A total of 45 animals were evacuated from Big Bear Alpine Zoo during the Line Fire.
  2. Where were the animals taken during the evacuation?
    • The animals were transported to The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens in Palm Desert, where they received care and shelter.
  3. Why was the evacuation necessary?
    • The Line Fire spread rapidly, threatening the Big Bear Lake area, and an evacuation was ordered to ensure the safety of both residents and zoo animals.
  4. Were the animals safely returned to Big Bear Alpine Zoo?
    • Yes, once the fire was under control and evacuation orders were lifted, the animals were safely returned to Big Bear Alpine Zoo.
  5. How did the animals adjust to being back at the zoo?
    • The animals quickly adjusted to being back in their familiar environment at Big Bear Alpine Zoo, thanks to the care they received during their evacuation.

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