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HomeStoriesMama goose takes care for 47 baby adorable baby goslings

Mama goose takes care for 47 baby adorable baby goslings

On social media, a man captured an incredible moment showing a mama goose raising 47 adorable baby goslings, which left viewers surprised.

A remarkable mama goose cares for her own goslings and several others. This extraordinary bird has up to 47 goslings in her care at once!

A man captured a fascinating encounter with a gaggle of geese in the river

Nature continually surprises us in delightful ways. A man named Michael Digout experienced one of these surprises.

A mama goose in Saskatoon cared for up to 47 goslings. Image credits: Michael Digout/Facebook

One night, while sitting by the Saskatchewan riverbank near his home in Saskatoon, Mike spotted something unusual. Then he saw a mama goose leading a surprisingly large group of goslings. Luckily, he had his camera and captured this incredible scene.

“This is a long line of goslings. It keeps going and going!” Mike wrote in a Facebook post, showcasing his remarkable discovery.

The goose couple took care of 47 adorable baby goslings

During his walk, Mike initially saw a goose with 16 goslings. He was astonished at how many swam behind her.

Michael Digout spotted the goose initially with 16 goslings, then noticed the number rapidly increasing. Image credits: Michael Digout/Facebook

After documenting this captivating scene, he shared it on Bored Panda. Then he returned to see the family again

To his surprise, each visit revealed more goslings. The count increased from 16 to 47 in just a few days!

In the photo, the goslings were seen clinging to her, with 47 of them snuggling beneath her warmth.While, the mother goose exuded a magnetic maternal presence, and the goslings adored her.

Mike, who enjoys photographing local wildlife, intended to capture images of newly hatched goslings. Instead, he discovered the ultimate mother goose.

Mike documented the phenomenon, returning each night to observe the growing group of goslings. Image credits: Michael Digout/Facebook

“I was stunned that this mom had 16 babies,” Mike shared. “I started returning every night to see her and her goslings. Every day, her group seemed to grow larger.”

The calm of mama goose

    Mike admired the mother’s patience and calmness with her many chicks.

    According to Mike, she tended to each one with care and remained gentle, never displaying aggression even when one misbehaved.

    A man captured the incredible moment of mama Goose caring for 47 adorable gosling. Image credits: Michael Digout/Facebook

    “It was incredible how calm she was with so many goslings around,” he remarked in an interview with The Dodo. “She seems like such a patient mom.”

    This documented phenomenon is known as gang brood.

    This phenomenon is known as gang brood, where an adult goose looks after multiple goslings.

    On average, geese nest five to six goslings per season. However, this number can increase to ten or twelve.

    The behavior is known as gang brood, where geese share parental duties for safety and care. Image credits: Michael Digout/Facebook

    Geese mate for life, and while some raise their goslings alone, others prefer to care for each other’s young. This cooperation acts as a special form of goose daycare.

    Goslings are naturally independent and can wander away from their mothers. To ensure safety, geese share parental duties, looking after all the goslings in their vicinity.

    While swimming, one goose can easily manage her own goslings along with others that may join later.

    The story of this remarkable mother goose and her growing brood highlights the beauty of nature and cooperation among geese.

    While, Their ability to care for one another’s young demonstrates a strong bond and commitment to family, making it a heartwarming tale.


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