Puppy kidnapped for three days by wild monkey before dramatic rescue

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On social media, many viewers were stunned after a viral video captured a moment showing a puppy held hostage by a wild monkey for three days.

The puppy was kidnapped by the wild monkey in Malaysia

A dog named Saru was held hostage by a wild monkey for three days in Malaysia. Image Credits: Newsflare

A heartwarming rescue story has captured the public’s attention. A dog named Saru was held hostage by a wild monkey for three days. The rescue effort unfolded in Taman Lestari Putra, Malaysia, and the video of the incident has gone viral.

According local resident the wild abduction began when Saru, a two-week-old puppy, was kidnapped by a macaque. The monkey carried Saru to the top of a telephone pole. This unusual scene resembled a mini version of “King Kong.”

The macaque treated Saru like a friend or baby, carrying it around and climbing trees and power lines. Image Credits: Newsflare

Witness Cherry Lew Yee Lee described the odd behavior: “It looked like it was treating the puppy as a friend or its baby.” Residents believe the monkey snatched Saru from a nearby litter of stray dogs.

Dog was almost saved despite the kidnapping

In the footage, the macaque can be seen maneuvering through the trees with the Oreo-colored puppy in tow. Despite the bizarre situation, the puppy did not appear to be in immediate danger.

Residents believed the monkey snatched the puppy from a nearby litter of stray dogs in the area. Image Credits: Newsflare

“The puppy looked tired and weary but the monkey did not seem to hurt it,” observed Cherry. “The monkey was just holding the puppy while it moved around.”

The macaque simply held the puppy while moving around.

Local residents attempted to rescue the poor puppy.

Local residents noticed that Saru had a concerning condition after three days without food.

Initial rescue attempts failed as the monkey frequently fled into the trees with the puppy. Image Credits: Newsflare

Concerned citizens decided to intervene to rescue the poor puppy. However, their initial rescue attempts were unsuccessful

The monkey fled into trees and across power lines with Saru, making it difficult for residents to reach them.

Fortunately, the macaque returned to the same telephone pole to eat. Local residents decided on a more daring approach to rescue Saru.

Saru was rescued in dramatic turn

Concerned citizens eventually scared the monkey with rocks, causing it to drop Saru for rescue. Image Credits: Newsflare

In a last-ditch effort, they threw rocks at the macaque. This startled the monkey, causing it to drop Saru into the bushes below. The residents quickly retrieved the beleaguered puppy.

Saru appeared to be recovering well after the ordeal. The rescuers fed him and checked for injuries. Soon after, Saru was adopted by a local and began settling into a new home.

A dramatic rescue went viral

Saru’s story of being rescued after being kidnapped by a wild monkey gained significant attention on social media.

Saru is recovering well after the ordeal and has been adopted by a local family. Image Credits: Newsflare

In the comments section, many viewers expressed their shock about the dramatic rescue, while others suggested that the owner should have noticed their pet being attracted by the wild monkey.

Additionally, some people also warned about the dangers of wild animals.

One person said: The way that pup was breathing at the end did not look good – gasping for air – also without water for three days? Very bad, life threatening.

A second wrote: That puppy is near death from the way it looks so sad.

While a third commented: The monkey might have lost a baby of her own for her to do this, so glad the little puppy is safe bless his heart.

The encounters between humans and wild monkey

Macaque encounters with humans are common in Malaysia. The government receives around 3,800 complaints about monkeys annually. This issue has led to a controversial mass culling program, with up to 70,000 macaques killed each year between 2013 and 2016.


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